The Children’s Advocacy Center of Rockwall County does a lot of great work for families in our community. Let’s do something to help these families out by providing a family with a delicious and warm holiday meal.
We will meet as Rockwall County Jeep Club to drop off the Holiday baskets December 21st, 0900 at Jungle Trek – 1505 Airport Rd., Rockwall, TX 75087.
Each Holiday basket to contain the following:
1 box of instant potatoes
1 box of stuffing mix
1 box of mac n’ cheese
1 dozen eggs
2 cans of corn
2 cans of green beans
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup
2 cans of French’s Crispy Fried Onions
1 bag of rolls
1 package of butter
1 bag of sugar cookie mx
2 packagaes of cookie icing
1 pie
1 box hot chocolate mix
Turkey bags for cooking
Tin pan for ham/turkey
Festive plates and napkins
Assorted plastic utensils
Pot holders
Laundry basket large enough to hold all items
Thank you and we will see you and your Holiday basket at drop off!