We are excited to participate in both the Rockwall and Heath parades this July 4. Info about who is slated to drive in each parade is available on our Facebook group. Not a member? Join today!
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Club Participation Waiver
Today the Board of Directors is releasing a new liability waiver and indemnity agreement for the club. The waiver should be completed by all adults (over 18) prior to participating in any club event, meet-up, etc. It also askes for any minors in attendance or participating to be identified and covered. The waiver will be good for 12 months. You are required to sign in with a google account to complete the waiver, and this acts as your electronic signature. If you don’t have a Google account, you can create one using your preferred email address.
This waiver is extremely important to protect the non-profit and its officers and directors from liability that could arise from injury or damage. As we all know, there are dangers inherent in any situation, and this is especially true with motor vehicles and anything off-road. Club officers will verify that your waiver is up to date at all official club events.
You can find the waiver at the link below or under “Resources” in the menu.
Officer Election Procedures
Officer elections are scheduled for this Sunday at our June Meetup. Election procedures are below and you can download them here:
- Per By-Laws, Club Officers will be elected annually.
- As defined in By-Laws, sufficient notice to hold a meeting must happen.
- A quorum must be present and maintained throughout the election process. If at any time a quorum is no longer present, the meeting must immediately adjourn and any business including elections will postpone to the next meeting.
- The outgoing Club President shall preside over elections. If the Club President is vacant or unavailable, the Board Chair or a designated board member may run the election.
- The Board Secretary or a designee shall serve as parliamentarian to handle any procedural or By-Laws questions or disputes.
- The order of elections shall be as follows:
- President
- Outreach Coordinator
- Events Coordinator
- Communications Coordinator
- Development Coordinator
- For election of each position:
- Candidates shall be nominated by members of the club. Nominated candidates will be asked if they accept.
- The parliamentarian will validate if the candidate is eligible to hold office based on criteria established in the By-Laws.
- Once all nominations are completed, the floor will be closed for nominations and each candidate will have 3 minutes to speak. Candidates may speak for all or part of the allocated 3 minutes, and they may ask others to speak on their behalf provided the total time does not exceed 3 minutes.
- All club members, including those presiding, cast a vote. Vote will be done by secret ballot and counted by the person presiding over the election and the parliamentarian:
- A candidate must have a simple majority (50%+1) of the submitted ballots to be elected.
- A blank ballot turned in will count in the vote tally and is considered a vote against all candidates.
- An abstention (not turned in ballot) shall not count in the final vote tally.
- If a plurality of votes is achieved (no one receives a simple majority), the candidate with the lowest vote tally will be dropped. Each candidate will be given another 2 minutes to speak, and another ballot will happen.
- If a 50-50 tie occurs, each candidate will be given another 2 minutes to speak, and another ballot will happen. This process will continue until a simple majority is achieved.
- Newly elected officers shall take office immediately upon the conclusion of the election process.
Coming off of an awesome meet-up at Standard Service on 3/22, we took your feedback, are getting organized, and look forward to being the go-to for all things Jeep in Rockwall County. We are excited to build on the five years worth of work it took to get to this point. Great things coming soon!